Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day 3: God Gives Us Wisdom

Bible story: Joseph leads Egypt through famine. (Genesis 41:41-42:5)
Bible verse: "If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you." (James 1:5)

In the palace tonight, Joseph told us about what happened after he had explained Pharoah's dreams. With the wisdom God gave him, Joseph knew to gather one-fifth of Egypt's crops for seven years. Because those were abundant years, Joseph collected plenty of grain.

That was a good thing because after those seven years, Egypt was hit with seven years of famine. It was a severe famine, too! Even in Canaan, 200 miles away, people were feeling the effects. Joseph's father sent his sons to Egypt to get grain, and they ended up coming face to face with Joseph, the brother they had sold into slavery years earlier. How would Joseph respond to his brothers who had betrayed him? This would be another example of how badly Joseph needed God's wisdom!

How many times do we face problems and don't know what to do? God has given us incredible resources to solve problems. God tells us that if we need wisdom, all we need to do is ask.