Friday, August 1, 2008

Day 5: Jesus lives

Jesus rises from the dead
Matthew 28:1-10

While we were in the Marketplace today, Mary came running in, looking for Peter. She wanted to tell him that Jesus is alive!

Peter first tried to get Mary to hide with him. Peter was still afraid for their lives because he had seen the way Jesus was killed.

Mary insisted that Jesus' tomb was empty! She had seen and talked to Jesus himself. He's alive!

Peter still had a hard time believing her. Jesus died three days ago. How could He be alive?

Mary kept telling Peter that Jesus had risen from the dead. She left the Marketplace to go tell the others, and Peter took off to see if Jesus had really come back to life.

Before we left the Marketplace, Mary was back, this time to tell us Jesus was here!

Jesus came in and greeted everyone.

At the end of our Marketplace time tonight, Jamba reminded everyone that while we have had fun acting out these stories from the Bible, we need to remember that these events really happened! Jesus lived here on earth, shared His love, showed us how to live, was crucified, and then was raised from the dead—and He lives today!

Thank You, God, for sending Jesus to die for us, and thank You that we can have eternal life, too!