This week has been such a blessing to so many! In the synagogue and the shops, from the preschool to the playground, we have learned more about our wonderful Savior, Jesus. The time spent with our tribes helped us get a better understanding of Jewish life, and the nightly dramas helped us imagine those true, amazing events that changed the world forever.
If you attended VBS, THANK YOU! Your enthusiasm and desire to learn more about Jesus blessed us all. We're so glad you joined us, and we hope you now have a better idea of what Jewish life was like in Jesus' time. More importantly, we pray that you understand that the stories we acted out this week really happened 2,000 years ago, and Jesus still lives today!
If you brought children to VBS, THANK YOU! We loved having this opportunity to share Jesus' story with your children in a way we hope they'll always remember. We'd love to see you at Heritage again! We offer programs for children and adults on Sundays and Wednesday with other special events throughout the year, too. Check out our website for details.
If you volunteered at VBS, THANK YOU! This week could not have happened without your commitment. God has blessed Heritage with many Super Servants, and it is wonderful to see people give their time and talents to spread God's love.
Jamba, Karen, Diane and the rest of our HCC staff, THANK YOU! We know you didn't "just happen" to come our way; God sent you to us! We love you, and we thank God for the countless ways you serve our children and our church.
And to our Heavenly Father, THANK YOU! Thank You for bringing us all to this place for this very special week. We pray that we have brought glory to Your name and that we have brought others closer to You. Father, help us take the relationships we've begun and the lessons we've learned and build on them so we may become closer to each other and ever closer to you. We thank You for sending Your Son to die for us, and it's in His name we pray. Amen.